Yalova Üniversitesi Etkinlikleri

University - Business Meetings

University - Business Meetings

5/9/2024 2:30 PM YTSO Conference Hall Seminer

The "University Business Meetings" informative seminars, organized in collaboration with YTSO Academy and Yalova University Business Administration Department, were successfully completed.

The first session featured a presentation by Assoc. Prof. Onur ÜNLÜ titled “Crisis Management with Examples from Yalova: What Has Been Done and What Can Be Done.” This session discussed current practices and potential innovations in crisis management using examples from Yalova.

In the second session, the topic “Social Media Usage in Businesses” was addressed. Research Assistants İlknur KOÇYİĞİT BAYNİŞ and Merve ERARSLAN TUĞCU detailed how businesses can effectively use social media.

The third session of the series was led by Dr. Vildan TAŞLI KARABULUT, who presented on “Entrepreneurship and People: Putting Your Heart into Work.” This session highlighted the importance of entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to work.

The final session of the University Business Meetings concluded with the presentation “E-Commerce and Digital Transformation: Roadmap from Local to Global.” Research Assistant Mustafa YILMAZ and businessman Yusuf Ziya AYDIN explained the role of e-commerce and digital transformation in the process of local businesses entering global markets.

The seminar series aimed to bring together the business world and academia to enhance knowledge sharing and provide valuable perspectives to the participants. We thank everyone who participated.