Yalova Üniversitesi Etkinlikleri

Turkish Informatics Association - Informatics Summit

Turkish Informatics Association - Informatics Summit

5/8/2024 1:30 PM Yalova University Etkinlik

The Business and Economics Club successfully organized the TBD Informatics Summit on May 8, 2024, in collaboration with the Turkish Informatics Association. The event commenced with opening speeches by our university's Rector, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bahçekapılı, President of the Turkish Informatics Association, Rahmi Aktepe, Honorary Board Member of the Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch, Deniz Tiryaki, and our department's faculty member, Dr. Gülgönül Bozoğlu Batı.

In the first session, Cenk Tezcan, Founder of Medical Futurist B-Wise, discussed "The Future of Work and Professions after Artificial Intelligence." Following this, Prof. Dr. Gökhan Silahtaroğlu, Head of the Management Information Systems Department at Medipol University, shared insights on "Next Generation Student Life." Hüseyin Karayağız, Co-Founder of Trangels and an angel investor, delivered a presentation titled "What are Entrepreneurship and Angel Investing?" The first session concluded with a presentation on "Cyber War and Cyber Security" by Murat Lostar, Founder of Lostor Inc.

In the second session, Blockchain Entrepreneur Cemil Şinasi Tütün evaluated the topic "Where is the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency World Heading?" Cemal Kıvanç Öner, Founder and General Manager of Öner Informatics Inc., delivered a presentation titled "Virtual Slaves." The second session ended with a presentation by Attorney Ceyda Cimilli Akaydın, President of the TBD Istanbul Branch, on "The Importance of Joint Studies in the Fields of Informatics and Law."